The International Spa Association (ISPA) is hosting its 2025 Conference from March 11 to 13, 2025, at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

This milestone event, celebrating 35 years of ISPA’s mission to advance the spa industry, offers a comprehensive program featuring three days of speaker presentations covering a range of spa industry topics, including business and talent strategy, customer service, and management.

The conference will also feature an Expo floor bringing together professionals from all spa industry sectors, providing a platform for networking and showcasing products and services.

Join industry leaders and peers in Colorado Springs to advance your professional development, explore innovative solutions, and contribute to the future of the spa industry at the 2025 ISPA Conference.

International Spa Association – ISPA Conference & Expo







请按托(pallet)填写,单位为英寸(in)和英镑(lb.)。 示例:
Pallet 1:40*48*25 in,250 lbs., Pool SPA
Pallet 2:38*50*62in,332 lbs.,Sauna Room


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